Research Interests
My research centers around real-time cyber-physical systems subject to timing and safety requirements. My current research focused on the safe and time-sensitive control synthesis for autonomous systems. My general research goal is to make real-time cyber-phsyical systems reliable, resilient and time-efficient.
[Jac.2025] I will serve as PC member of ICCPS 2025 poster&demo program. Please consider to submit your best work!
[Oct.2024] I have won the best poster award at CYBER-CARE!
[Oct.2024] Our tool won the championship of Embedded System Software Competition (ESSC) at ESWEEK'2024!
[Oct.2024] I have won the championship of ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition (SRC) 2024!
[Aug.2024] Our paper "Deadline-Safe Reach-Avoid Control Synthesis for Cyber-Physical Systems with Reinforcement Learning", has been accepted by the 45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) 2024!
[Jul.2024] Our paper "Backdoor Attacks on Safe Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems", has been accepted by the ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
[Jul.2024] Our paper "Model-free PAC Time-Optimal Control Synthesis with Reinforcement Learning", has been accepted by the 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
[Mar.2024] Our paper "LLM-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems: Survey, Research Opportunities, and Challenges", is accepted by International Workshop on Foundation Models for Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things (FMSys)!
[Mar.2024] Our paper on assuring large-language models (LLMs), is accepted by the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS).
[Mar.2024] Our paper "Recovery from Adversarial Attacks in Cyber-physical Systems: Shallow, Deep and Exploratory Works", is accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.
[Mar.2024] Two RTAS brief presentation papers accepted!
[Feb.2024] Our CHASE 2024 paper is accepted!
[Jan.2024] Our ICCPS 2024 paper is accepted!
[Dec.2023] My work of sequence-predictive control is selected for an oral presentation in 2023 COSE Research Horizons Symposium hosted by the Colleges of Science and Engineering!
[Aug.2023] Our RTSS 2023 paper is accepted!
[Aug.2023] Our Work has been accepted by ESSC 2023!
[Jul.2023] I'm moving to University of Notre Dame!
[Apr.2023] I will participate in the Twelfth Summer School on Formal Techniques and FMiTF Bootcamp!
[Apr.2023] I recieve summer pre-dissertation fellowship 2023 from Syracuse University!
[Mar.2023] I recieve SIGBED Student Travel Grants for CPS-IoT Week 2023!
[Mar.2023] Our RTAS 2023 Brief Presentation paper is accepted!
[Mar.2023] Our RTAS 2023 paper is accepted!
[Jan.2023] Our RTAS 2023 paper is conditionally accepted!
[Nov.2022] I receive the travel grant to RTSS 2022!
[Sep.2022] Our RTSS 2022 paper is accepted!
[Feb.2022] Our DAC 2022 paper is accepted!